Monday, March 21, 2011

Well, Hello there.

  Well, here goes:  
  Writing has always been my thing. Whether it's a poem or an essay, a letter or simply a personal journal entry, it's that emotional release that acts as a kind of drug when putting a pen to paper (or fingers to the keys, for that matter). To be able to express a collage of one's own thoughts is a magnificent thing, and that is what I aim to do here. 
    Call me Cordelia. I am simply a college student, studying Anthropology in a small town in the middle of no where (literally). I aspire to one day be an archaeologist; rummaging through Egyptian artifacts and making a name for myself. However, every professor I've spoken to about my career choice warns that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Instead of adventurously coming across ancient boobie trapped tombs with a worn fedora placed jauntily upon my head, I am told it will consist of sand slicked skin, sunburn, and, above all, boredom...thanks a lot for getting my hopes up...
    I come from a large family of four girls and three boys, and am sixth in the lineup. We love to be together, eat together, and, most importantly, make fun of each other. What better way to say I love you, right?
    Being one of the youngest, it's hard to watch older siblings go away to school, get married, and move on with their lives; the house grows larger and quieter with the decreasing number of residents. But now I find that it is my time to leave home, and it breaks my heart. I feel so young, but now is my time to figure out who I am.
   Besides family, I love to read, eat, run, take photos of anything and everything, listen to music, and try new things, a blog being one of them. I think I'm doing pretty well so far, huh?
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. BOOBIE TRAPS! *cue Indiana Jones soundtrack*

    heart heart heart heart

    not you, just the blog.
    And by the way, starting a blog won't convince me that you're smart. You're still the athlete. :P
